Thursday, April 5, 2007

How cute are they!

Today, I am featuring one of my favorite couples :) Jesi and Kevin! They are getting married on May 5th (1 month away)--it all seems to go so quickly when you are in the midst of planning an extraordinary event, and it's easy to get I sent them this list of give them a great reminder of the amazing journey they have established and a great reminder of how sweet it is!!!

I am soooo happy for you too! I cannot wait to photograph your wedding and hang out with you!

so, with out further's the questions I asked, and their spontanious answers :)

1 Wedding Date
5 May 2007

2 How did you and Kevin meet?
I flew to Denver to see a concert for the weekend and met him the first night of the 3-night shows. He agreed to come to another show the next night and we hung out all night and the next day, too. He played “Tour Guide” and took my friend and I to Red Rocks and spent the rest of the day with us before we headed back to Maryland.

3 Was it love at first sight? Tell me about it…
I wouldn’t say “first sight”, but it wasn’t much longer after that – 24 hours, maybe?!
We both knew that Sunday that we wanted to be with one another exclusively, but the distance was an issue; I lived in Baltimore and he lived here in Denver.

4 Favorite thing about each other? (Kev has to answer this one, too)
Oh, there are so many! I love his smile, his laugh, his voice, his character (his geniality, generosity, honesty, compassion, intelligence, friendliness, charm), and last, but certainly not least – his looks. He’s very handsome, but I am a little biased ☺

5 How long have you known each other?
Two years to the day – We met on 3.24.05. Although, I feel like I’ve known him (and his face) my whole life. He is just so familiar to me in so many ways.

6 How did he pop the question?
It was a Saturday morning and we had been planning all week to go on a hike up in Breckenridge. However, our kitty, Clyde, decided to bolt right out the front door. I panicked and chased right after him down the stairs, missing several of them, and landing sideways on my ankle. It was bruised and really swollen – but Clyde was safe in the house… Obviously, hiking was out but we still went to Breck. I didn’t know it at the time, but he was recreating the day we went there the first week we met. We ate lunch at the same place, then we went for a drive. He wanted to take me by the Buffalo Head Overlook. Ironically enough, there was a bride and her bridesmaids having their pictures taken there. That was out. We then went to Copper Mountain and were going to ride the chairlift. I had never done that outside of skiing season. They closed the lift 20 minutes before we got there. We had a party to go to that afternoon, and when we left Copper, he was going in the wrong direction. I asked him why and he said he didn’t know. We drove up to Lake Clinton Reservoir and walked down by the water. He pointed out a trickle coming form the hill across the path, and when I turned back toward him, he was kneeling in the water. He told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and asked if I’d marry him… I was speechless! Then we get back to car and I was holding the ring and it fell between the seats! It was really one thing after another that day, but I am so grateful for his determination! ☺

7 Who did you tell first? Why?
I really can’t remember… I was so excited! We called either my parents or his first. Then I called everyone! His mom knew it was going to happen soon because she had given him his Great Aunt’s Grandmother’s ring, which is very beautiful and is EXACTLY what I had always wanted – it’s unique and an heirloom!

8 Favorite Date
It’s not really a date, but it’s my favorite and it pretty much established “US” as a couple:
My Mom & Dad flew me back out to Denver to surprise Kev – JUST 4 DAYS after I left! That’s right – I left Sunday evening and was right back in Denver on Thursday! Being able to spend time with one another again, especially so quickly after we met and not really knowing when we’d see each other in person again REALLY made all the difference in the world. I am still just so amazed that my parents trusted and believed in me (and Kev) enough to do such an incredibly nice thing like that and they hadn’t even met him!

9 How long has your engagement been?
7 months – We were engaged on 8.26.06

10 Who is designing your gown?

11 What are your wedding colors?
Black & Ivory, but the flowers will be VERY colorful.

12 Tell me about your “Engagement Session”… (He He)
Neither one of us like to have our pictures taken, but with a little liquid courage, a great photographer, perfect weather (70۫ at the end of October!), and perfect location (Red Rocks / Morrison), we are both very, very pleased with the way they turned out. We aren’t apprehensive about the wedding pictures at all anymore! YAY Melissa!

13 Honeymoon? Where? How excited are you?
We are planning to go to the British Isles, but we haven’t planned anything just yet. Sometime this summer, hopefully. We were also planning on going away just after the wedding for a day or two, maybe down to Taos, New Mexico. We’re really excited to celebrate and RELAX!

14 What/who is your favorite wedding vendor?
Our photographer!

15 Something on your “To-do List” (not wedding related)
We would like to travel – a lot. There are so many beautiful places we’d love to see.

16 Who is throwing your Bachelorette Party?
My wonderful friends, which are also my bridesmaids.

17 Fill in the blank: “Sexy is _________”
Having confidence

18 What CD/Album are you listening to?
I have been rotating a bit between the mixed cd’s our friends gave us at our engagement party. What a great idea – Thanks, Sondra!

19 What has been your best/favorite experience so far in planning your wedding?
Hmm… Can I tell you on May 6th?!

20 Any advice for Couples-to-be?
Make sure your wedding reflects who each of you are independently and who you are as a couple. It is “supposed” to be about celebrating your love for one another, the life you share and building a solid foundation based on each of those aspects. It can get lost so easily in all the craziness of planning a wedding.

Congrats! Jesi and Kevin!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are great shots. looks like an awesome couple.